Apply for Government Funding The Hong Kong Government often promotes new schemes to aid smaller businesses with finance to help with their development. However the process can be complicated. The entitlements for eligible applicants are not easily comprehended, which causes a lot of missed opportunities for the small and medium businesses to get aid.Our passion is to offer assistance to small and medium scale entrepreneurs to thrive. Helping you to understand how the Hong Kong Government Funding schemes work, seeking the best suitable schemes to develop and extend your business is our mission.
Services we deliver We provide one-stop style service to offer assistance to small and medium scale entrepreneurs to apply for the best suited capital raising and funding schemes. Right from the initial free consultation, planning, application document preparation to management, will be all carried out by our professional specialized team members, which enables you to focus solely on operating and expansion of your business, at the meanwhile, enjoying the benefit of Government resources.What are the categories of projects entitle to such resources?
Innovation technology consultant service – applying entrepreneur can employ technology consultancy from external assistance and services on specific areas provided that the consultants are science institutes, or organizations based in Hong Kong or companies / organizations registered in Hong Kong(under BRO)
Purchase, rental or subscription of customized equipment/devices, software and innovation technology services or solutions that makes up majority of the project.
Purchase, rental or subscription of finished products, ie , equipment/devices, software and innovation technology solutions which makes up the major proportion of the project costs under 50% of the project.
Project auditing for projects with approved funding more than HK$50,000. The maximum audit fee to be included in the total project cost is HK$3,000.
Domestic Marketing in China
Branding Marketing
Enterprise upgranding
Product Branding and upgranding
Domestic in China
Incubation Programmers of the Hong Kong
Incubation Programmers of Cyberport
Enterprise support scheme of the Innovation and Technology commission
Research Assistance Programmer
The Research and Development Scheme
What are the criteria for considerations? Every project will be carefully considered on their own merits, the criteria are included in the following:
The applicant’s project is relevant to the nature of the enterprise – the project must increase the overall productivity, develop and expand scope of business, cost reduction, or reduce capital enabling cost effectiveness, upgrade transformation, and increase applicant competitive power.
Reasonable forecast – TVP Committee or Innovation Technology Council will refer to known market to evaluate, each expense must be absolutely necessary and is directly related to that specific project.
Reasonable operation details – firstly, the actual project must be applicable, obtain measureable results. Secondly, according to the complexity of specific technology, and if it is within expiry date…such factors will be carefully examined.
Consultants will provide for references and past unfavorable record.